A lot has happened since December and we have exciting news. We have two new additions to our team, a new programmer and a new 3D artist.

Our new programmer Hanfling joined us late last year to fix bugs in native Deus Ex code. However, this has evolved into the creation of a full featured Deus Ex content creation framework called the Revision Framework. Its roadmap includes support for features found in all current game engines such as terrain, static meshes, deferred lighting and fancy materials to push Deus Ex: Revision visuals to a whole new level.

Cyrus — the other new guy — will pitch in to make use of these features, and create tons of static meshes, while adding content that Project HDTP didn’t cover. Right now he is working on:

 To make full use of the scheduled engine features we need to remake or at least update most of the content already created. However the whole team is excited to make use of the new features and make Deus Ex: Revision the best Deus Ex incarnation of all time.

Edit: As you many have realized, this was an April Fool’s post; we won’t delay Revision for any new features.However most of the post is correct, Hanfling is working with us to make the Revision Framework and the long term goals are to include the mentioned features, but that would be years into the future. Currently it’s mostly a WIP framework for mods to easily and properly integrate into the game without having to replace DeusEx.u. It will also improve the editing workflow with a new set of tools. It will not be used in the 1.0 release and we’ll only lift a few features from it, such as a fix for incorrect footstep sounds and UI scaling.

We also do have a new 3D artist named Cyrus that joined us a few weeks ago, and he is currently working on replacing some vanilla models, however certainly nothing as indicated by the picture above.
We are very close to release right now and beta testers will be contacted shortly. More info soon to come :)

Björn Ehrby
Björn Ehrby
Producer at Caustic Creative
Björn joined the project in 2008, bringing everything and everyone together. Over the years, his contributions have ensured that our team has produced good work, and that our efforts have been bug-free as we can manage. He hails from Sweden.