Patch 1.6.1 is live!

Happy Holidays!

Today we have wrapped up the latest changes and fixes to Revision since the last update.

The Nameless Mod 2.0

Now with Steam Cloud support!

Chapter 1:

  • Moved a terrorist to make them easier to sneak up on.

Chapter 3:

  • Fixed the animated main menu not working on two of the chapter 3 levels.

Chapter 4:

  • Fixed the UNATCO troopers spawning in the streets when they shouldn’t.
  • The player capture sequence now waits for the “death” animation to finish to allow people to understand what happened.

Chapter 6:

  • Increased Maggie Chow’s speed on realistic.

Chapter 14:

  • Increased the collision of elevator buttons by 50% to make them more reliable.

Chapter 15:

  • Increased the collision of elevator buttons by 50% to make them more reliable.


  • Added a password input box for MP joining.
  • Fixed TeamSay command.
  • Disabled plasma rifle glow.
  • Fixed items not respawning.


  • Disposable weapons can no longer be fired multiple times by changing level during the end of the fire animation.
  • Dog jump attack now aims for the neck for better movement at ground level.
  • Fixed a glitch where receiving ammo from an NPC would give you *all* of that NPC’s ammo instead of just the amount they tried to give you.
  • Fixed a rare glitch where a dying NPC could start talking to someone, stopping them from dying and resurrecting themselves with no health.
  • Fixed the number of hits and total damage for multi-hit weapons not being shown at untrained level.
  • Gave NPCs the intelligence to switch between ammos when their current ammo runs out.
  • Made Manhunt Mode spawn locations more randomized.


  • Added additional radar icons for HR mode augmentation.
  • Binoculars now write the range on their own line to prevent wordwrap.
  • Can no longer save duplicate emails.
  • Disabled teleporters while dead.
  • Fixed EMP and scramble grenades not playing the correct animation.
  • Fixed HDTP Walton Simons t-posing in the ground when dead.
  • Fixed an issue where the augmentation hum sound could play despite being disabled due to the muscle aug.
  • Fixed crashes relating to dragging items out of the inventory to drop them.
  • Fixed glitch where destroyed doors would resurrect themselves with no collision.
  • Fixed incorrect datacube text for receiving only an image from a datacube for an image you already have.
  • Fixed mini-crossbow hand texture if HDTP not installed.
  • Fixed possible crash when dying during a conversation.
  • Fixed the “Clips” text on the ammo HUD being incorrect for 1 frame when switching weapons.
  • Fixed the “Plain and Simple” achievement always showing as valid in game, even when not.
  • Hid the mini-crossbow dart when out of ammo on the vanilla mesh.
  • Increased max characters for computer logins/passwords from 20 to 32, to account for the 21 character login at the cathedral.
  • Receiving items from a conversation now leaves a message in the log.
  • Redesigned the modifiers menus to display all modifiers on one page instead of seven.
  • Weapon idle animations can no longer overwrite the currently playing one.
  • Fixed GOG achievements and an annoying error message when launching the game with OpenGL.

Celebrating 5 Years with Revision

Patch 1.6 – MAINCORE is Live

Who would have thought that a small mod made as a birthday present for Harry’s brother would grow to what Revision has become?! Today we are celebrating the 5th anniversary since the release of Deus Ex: Revision 1.0 after several years (and iterations) of development and testing.

The idea of Revision has always been to bring something new for veterans that got tired of the original game, while keeping the story of the original game intact and adding additional flavor to the Deus Ex universe.

We are really happy that the mod has generally been well received by all of you. Even though main development on the mod is done, it’s our baby and something we care for. We will keep the light on for as long as possible to fix and improve the experience for all of you.

Without further ado, here are the changes for Revision 1.6.

Happy anniversary!
Caustic Creative

The Nameless Mod 2.0

Now with Steam overlay support!


  • Fixed being able to get softlocked behind the vending machines.

Chapter 2:

  • Fixed Gilbert getting spooked by a terrorist if the player approaches from the left.

Chapter 5:

  • Fixed the UNATCO gun range sniper rifle being pulled to the ceiling.
  • Possibly fixed the conversation with Simons crashing the game.

Chapter 9:

  • New Revision combat music for this chapter.
  • Improved the framerate of the ship’s main hallway.

Chapter 10:

  • Made it possible to bypass the mandatory radiation damage and fixed a softlock situation.
  • Made the option to open the gates repeatable.

Chapter 12:

  • The front doors no longer open from bullet tracers.
  • Fixed the friendly bots getting stuck.

Chapter 14:

  • Fixed the abort button not being rendered sometimes.

Chapter 15:

  • Improved performance at Helios by ~330%.
  • Made Helios’ bots attack the grays if you lure them over.
  • The UCs now only spawn their effects on successful enemy creation, rather than each attempt.


  • Removed additional hyphons on the quotes.


  • Fixed sometimes being told that the incorrect team won in MP.
  • Fixed the AI being unable to use melee weapons in MP.
  • MP survival now says “You’re on Team Defenders” instead of UNATCO.


  • Fixed autosaves corrupting if you talk to someone immediately at the start of the level (e.g. chapter 11).
  • Fixed holograms turning into agents in Matrix mode.
  • Increased the range of the holler command.
  • Knocking out Gunther also spawns his skullgun aug in Biomod/Shifter.
  • Made NPCs react to lamps being on/off since they last saw them on realistic difficulty.
  • Made NPCs shoot poison gas barrels near the player on realistic difficulty.
  • Made allies stop getting spooked at you throwing things around.
  • Made realistic difficulty NPCs switch weapons if they need to reload, usually this will cause them to switch to melee weapons if close.
  • Prevented MJ12 commandos being given new weapons like pepper guns in Biomod/Shifter.
  • The subtitles option now has a closed captions option.


  • Added NG+ Realistic as a difficulty choice in custom difficulty.
  • Added options to set all item refusal settings to true or false.
  • AugAdd cheat now upgrades the level by one instead of saying it’s the max level at level 1.
  • Changed “Low-Tech Augmentations” achievement from ‘use every wearable item at once’ to ‘use every wearable item at least once’.
  • Changed gameplay hints font for more Cyrillic support.
  • Changed item refusal button from “cancel” to “ok”.
  • Disabled “Purity First” and “But Still Overskilled” achievements in HR mode as these concepts don’t exist.
  • Disabled ability to read books when they’re on fire.
  • Fixed “cannot be dropped here” message always appearing in inventory menu regardless of result.
  • Fixed Biomod challenges not working.
  • Fixed TNT crates not using their original model when HDTP was off.
  • Fixed a typo in thermoptic camo description.
  • Fixed carcass fading effect in survival.
  • Fixed the “find:” text color on the notes screen.
  • Fixed the DTS not giving off light when dropped directly from the inventory.
  • Fixed the alternate keypad option.
  • Fixed the crowbar often using the wrong shine texture.
  • Fixed the saxbomb command which has been broken for near 3 years.
  • Fixed the upgrade pips for the light aug not appearing in Biomod/Shifter.
  • Fixed warping on top face of HDTP barrels.
  • Improved melee animations in mirrors.
  • Increased the amount of levels that saxbomb works on.
  • Made cats immune to fall damage.
  • Made collectables more visible from a distance.
  • Made infolink names localizable.
  • Thunder’s volume should now be affected by the sound effects volume.
  • Weapon info now shows damage as: Base, bonus, hits. Instead of: Base, hits, bonus. Gives a more accurate result for damage against doors.

Patch 1.5 – FIVE-EYES is Live

Happy Holidays!

We are now announcing that the latest version of Revision, 1.5 – FIVE-EYES has been released.

Please see the following release notes on what has changed:

Chapter 1:

  • Fixed the player always being blamed as a killer of the NSF mercenaries, no matter what happened.

Chapter 3:

  • Hopefully fixed Simons getting stuck on Manderley’s door.

Chapter 6:

  • Fixed being able to manually open the large ramp.


  • Fixed errors that can happen when a riot cop dies.
  • Improved help text for gameplay style option by having different text for each option.
  • New music in chapters 2 and 11.


  • Fixed multiple bugs in the conversation system allowing duping of stackable items transferred during a conversation.
  • Fixed robots not being disabled if their menu was open when they got disabled.
  • Killing someone with the ADS aug now counts you as killing them, meaning you get the blame or XP in Biomod/Shifter.
  • Rain reduces footstep sound.
  • WIP feature where the AI will sometimes go to defend an important location after losing the player. Only happens in some levels in chapters 2, 5, and 6.
  • New experimental gameplay style – HumanRev:
    • Combines the skill and augmentation systems into one.
    • Experimental new radar augmentations.

Patch 1.4.2 is live!


Today we’ve released our 1.4.2 patch, which is long overdue for people that are not getting the game from Steam.

Intro Cinematic:

  • Played Revision’s music during the intro when using the PS2 soundtrack as the PS2 version uses a video rather than a music file.

Hell’s Kitchen (First Visit):

  • Fixed the plane being able to be destroyed by a pistol.

Ton Hotel (Second Visit):

  • Enabled JoJo’s unique lines.

Chapter 5:

  • Made the prod at the start appear on easy.
  • Updated the image to show the newer areas.

PRCS Wall Cloud:

  • Improved the framerate of that one corridor, somewhat.

Paris Catacombs:

  • Destroyed the rock blocking the exit of the catacombs.

Paris Streets (Near Champs-Elysees):

  • Made the options to disable/enable the patrolling security bot repeatable.

Pasadena Ocean Lab (UC Module):

  • Allowed switch doors to be opened by proximity in addition.


  • Allowed NPCs to use secondary and tertiary ammo in Biomod/Shifter.
  • Disallowed augs to be used for a few ticks without power in Shifter. Fixed being able to use the skullgun without energy to shoot a 0 damage plasma bolt.
  • Enabling cheats keeps them enabled through level transitions.
  • Fixed AI placed grenades not working in Shifter.
  • Fixed ammo not being removed from the NG+ option.
  • Fixed animals being able to eat bodies through walls.
  • Fixed an issue related to scrambled robots in Biomod/Shifter.
  • Fixed an issue in the Unreal Engine related to rendering surfaces, culling should be less aggressive now.
  • Lowered the damage of the karkian’s charge from 15 to 12.
  • NPCs no longer allow you to use disabled robots as a shield.
  • Reverted Shifter’s ability to have multiple copies of a weapon in the inventory.


  • Added new UI for the item refusal screen.
  • AllAmmo cheat now gives ammo for secondary and tertiary ammo types if none have been obtained.
  • Allowed players to change weapons and use stuff while using Fly or Ghost cheat.
  • Fixed an issue with killing robots overwriting the RecordKillDistance even if the distance was up to 16x smaller than the PB. Also displaying decimal places for the stat now.
  • Fixed backwards keyboard keys on computers that were broken back in September.
  • Fixed BioCell energy restored stat being missing from stats page.
  • Fixed birds flying without playing an animation or having invisible wings.
  • Fixed drained water coolers/fountains not being tracked in Biomod/Shifter.
  • Fixed HDTP facelifting for fragments in Biomod.
  • Fixed issue with collectable energy bonus and custom difficulty max energy conflicting.
  • Fixed item refusal not working for non-weapon objects on carcasses.
  • Fixed items spawning with the wrong skin due to item refusal.
  • Fixed effects being disabled in singleplayer.
  • Fixed health healed from candybars being missing from stats page.
  • Fixed health healed via medkits not being tracked in Biomod/Shifter.
  • Fixed military bots not playing their “scanning area” sound.
  • Fixed option to disable turret beeps not working.
  • Fixed rats waiting for their animation to end before they died.
  • Fixed rebooting robots not dying if damaged.
  • Fixed some barrels not being set to non-flammable properly.
  • Fixed the custom difficulty level setting not loading properly.
  • Forced NV specific textures to load even with NV disabled to prevent crashes or missing textures.
  • Made the GEP gunners in the ‘Duck’ challenge invincible.


  • Awarded players with skillpoints for kills in survival multiplayer.
  • Changed the scoreboard to show teams in columns and increased the font size for modern monitors.
  • Changing your name now alerts players on the server.
  • Displayed a player’s name above their head when targeting them.
  • Displayed a player’s health above their head when they’re on your team so you know if you should heal them.
  • Fixed health not being recalculated when healing someone.
  • Fixed medkits not healing a player’s arms when healing their torso.
  • Fixed the survival maps not showing in the map list unless manually added.
  • Fixed tracked weapon stats not tracking a shot if the shot completely missed.
  • Fixed using a medkit on a player deleting all medkits you had.
  • Improved security.
  • MP NV message only gets displayed if NV is enabled now and updated the message to reflect the new option in the settings.
  • Only allowed respawns in survival MP if a boss has been killed.
  • Showed player kills, killstreaks, and NPC deaths in survival MP.
  • Showed weapon stats on the scoreboard, if they’re being tracked.
  • Survival scoreboard now shows NPCs in columns rather than continuing off the screen.

Patch is live!


Today is our three-year anniversary for Deus Ex: Revision, and we mark the occasion with a small anniversary update, v1.4.0.1.


  • Fixed the subtitles incorrectly being displayed offscreen when playing at a 16:9 resolution.

Training (Combat):

  • Fixed some really bad doors, doors with gaps wider than was required or doors clipping into walls and being visible from outside.


  • Lowered the strength of the shooting range targets.

Battery Park (First Visit):

  • You can now choose to give the kids either soy food or a candybar if you have both in your inventory.

Hell’s Kitchen (First Visit):

  • Removed the duplicate women from Battery Park.

Smuggler’s Lair (First Visit):

  • Made it possible to disable the second gas grenade while untrained.

Chapter 3:

  • Dealing with the friendly terrorists will no longer cost skillpoints in Biomod/Shifter.

Chapter 5:

  • Fixed bad ammos showing in the armoury in Biomod/Shifter.
  • Fixed Smash the State not being awarded if someone on the level was unconscious, even if not a UNATCO troop or Manderley.


  • Improved framerate.

Chapter 9:

  • Fixed typo in goal. “PCS” > “PRCS”.

Brooklyn Naval Shipyards (Interior):

  • Fixed badly floating faucet.

California Gas Station:

  • Fixed some overlapping wooden panels on the sewer exit.
  • Lowered strength of wooden panels on the sewer exit.

Chapter 14:

  • Rats and flies no longer spawn in underwater sections.

Missile Silo near Pasadena:

  • Changed the 6th floor of the silo to have the MiB patrolling and commando standing instead of both wandering.

Chapter 15:

  • Fixed backwards textures.
  • Gave a title to the shack camera.


  • Added a modifier which disables robot usage except for augmentation installation.
  • Added “Pack Mule” modifier, no limit to how much ammo you can have.


  • Cathedral boss now teleports closer to the cathedral if it is in the unreachable area for over 2 minutes.
  • Fixed survival start wave UI being broken.


  • Fixed ‘Infiltration’ challenge not being possible in vanilla mode.
  • Fixed ‘Stamina’ challenge not ending if running out of time.


  • Added a light to the spydrone which can be activated with the light aug.
  • Added option for energy regeneration to custom difficulty.
  • Added option to change handedness to left/right/hidden.
  • Disallowed skillpoints going negative due to Biomod/Shifter reduction from killing friendlies.
  • Fixed end game achievements being awarded with achievements being disabled.
  • Fixed game pausing while deleting a note in realtime UI mode.
  • Increased range for critical hits to the head from behind in Normal mode.
  • Re-enabled duping on easy.
  • Prevented the player from dying while quickloading.
  • Unlocked survival/challenges if you have the achievement for beating the game.


  • Achievement failed messages should no longer appear while achievements are disabled.
  • Added “Dark Blue” as a menu theme to compliment dark blue HUD theme.
  • Allowed weapon mods to stack.
  • Attempting to pick up a refused item a second time will allow it to be picked up.
  • Build date now displays either in DD/MM/YY or MM/DD/YY, depending on your settings.
  • Cloaking now displays the cloaking texture on whatever is held.
  • Fixed “cannister” typo on vanilla flamethrower model.
  • Fixed ammo being HDTP at map load.
  • Fixed an alarm light’s light always being visible, even when not active.
  • Fixed books, datacubes, and newspapers not falling to the ground when the object they were sat on was picked up or destroyed.
  • Fixed cats and rats not respecting HDTP None.
  • Fixed errors in vanilla where the game would try to replace empty inventory slots.
  • Fixed keyring being visible for one frame when looking down while putting it away.
  • Fixed navy MJ12 spawning incorrect carcasses.
  • Fixed palleted crates distorting at a distance.
  • Fixed the recoil stat being displayed incorrectly on weapons with below 0.1 recoil.
  • Fixed turret bases not using their HDTP model.
  • Fixed turrets not using their HDTP muzzle flashes.
  • Fixed warping on models of HDTP animals.
  • Having no theme set for the menu should load the default theme.
  • Setting HDTP to none now disables it for everything, including decorations, decals, and fragments.

Patch 1.4 – PRISM is Live


We’ve just released a large patch, 1.4 – PRISM, that features a whole new playmode called “Challenges” and custom difficulty options for the regular story mode, along with new achievements for these. The full list of changes can be found below:

UNATCO HQ (First Visit):

  • The items taken from the bodies of the terrorists killed during the mission end are now visible inside the armoury like the UNATCO troopers say.

Chapter 3:

  • Fixed level transitions between Airfield and Hangar so you don’t accidentally go to the wrong teleporter in Hangar.
  • Made all the terrorists in chapter 3 friendly after Paul tells them to stand down.

Brooklyn Bridge Station:

  • Added more detail to the upper level.

Ton Hotel (Second Visit):

  • AI is smart enough to disable the grenades outside Paul’s room on realistic difficulty.

New York Majestic 12 Facility:

  • Added a pistol at the start to make it a bit easier.
  • Expanded armoury and placed the player’s ammo inside.

Canals near Wan Chai Market:

  • Fixed John Smith not having a prototype nanosword on him on Biomod.

Tunnel near Wan Chai Market:

  • Can no longer open the 55655 door just by right clicking it. (Still breakable though)

Wan Chai Underground Mall & Lucky Money:

  • Added new music for inside the club.

Versalife Advanced R&D (Level 1):

  • Increased the volume of the WiB convos.
  • Made Maggie and Page not look at the player.

Chapter 9:

  • Friendly guards have new boot textures.


  • Added key for the valve door that was missing.
  • Gate guards don’t mind lockpicking if they know who you are.

Area 51 (Sector 3):

  • Added Helios’ unused final infolink.

Area 51 (Sector 4):

  • Changed Page to stop mocking you if you complete the Tong or Helios missions, just like the Everett one.


  • Can no longer gain infinite ammo from grenades on some modifiers.
  • Fixed a crash during Real Time UI if having the UI open when touching a teleporter.
  • Manhunt:
    • NPCs before chapter 5 will not mind you killing the Secret Service and will help you kill them at Liberty Island or at the Hangar.
    • Secret Service won’t spawn within 16ft of the player.
    • Secret Service will attack the NSF.
    • Fixed Secret Service not respawning correctly on difficulties past easy.


  • Added challenge system.
  • Added custom difficulty option.
  • Allowed NPCs break objects that the player is hiding behind in very rare cases.
  • Autosave now checks every second for a chance to save at the start of a level (for areas that immediately have an infolink).
  • Fixed Biomod’s challenge system not working.
  • Fixed losing ammo when throwing a grenade or throwing knife when none spawns.
  • Fixed the AI not reacting to the light aug.
  • Looking at something with the binoculars displays the name of what you’re looking at and its distance.
  • NPCs rubbing their eyes won’t stop rubbing their eyes after a door opens.
  • Quickloading while dead or at the main menu no longer asks you to confirm.
  • Stunning an enemy who’s rubbing their eyes now goes to the stunned state.
  • Normal only changes:
    • Augmentations now display their true level in the menu when synthetic heart augmentation boosts them (pre-boost level).
    • Augmentations can no longer be upgraded past level 3 if the player has synthetic heart augmentation.
    • Augmentations don’t play the augmentation loop sound if they’re a passive augmentation.
    • Augmentations that are upgraded now turn back on if they were on before the upgrade.
    • Fixed being unable to upgrade augmentations to their max level if they were on and being boosted by the synthetic heart augmentation.


  • Added HDTP infolink icons.
  • Added an option to disable the hum of augmentations.
  • Added an option to disable the idle beeps from turrets.
  • Added an option to display the player’s speed on screen.
  • Added grenade launcher to AllWeapons cheat.
  • Added new readme to the Help folder.
  • Added unique skinned weapons around the game.
  • Burp sound from soda now comes from JC instead of the soda.
  • Changed flamethrower fireball to unused texture.
  • Disabled NPCs looking at you if they are on fire, rubbing their eyes, or stunned.
  • Enabled lip syncing and blinking for NPCs who are either: dancing, sitting, waiting for someone, going to someone, running to someone, burning, avoiding a projectile, avoiding a character, backing off from a door to open it, opening a door, taking a hit, rubbing their eyes, dying, or falling.
  • Enemies no longer play their critical damage sound when stunned.
  • Fixed “Off to a Great Start” achievement being awarded just from picking Winslow up.
  • Fixed attacking friendly NPCs who had their heads turned to look at you keeping their heads turned after they turned hostile and attacked you.
  • Fixed being able to pickup used flares.
  • Fixed crashes when the game tries to play Revision music that is open in a media player.
  • Fixed crouch walk animation not working for HDTP JC in Biomod/Shifter.
  • Fixed item refusal for flares on carcasses.
  • Fixed sabot being referred to as ‘mags’.
  • Fixed survival levels always saying they’re in Paris.
  • Loading the main menu resets the game speed to normal.
  • Made cigarettes breakable.
  • NPCs who are rubbing their eyes continuously blink.
  • Randomized MJ12 troop faces.
  • Stepping on a fire hydrant now makes a metal sound rather than grass.
  • Upgraded flamethrower fire on walls from 32×32 texture to 128×128.

Christmas gift from Caustic Creative!

Today we are announcing patch 1.3.1. This patch is a general ‘fit and finish’ release designed tidy up Revision ahead of the end of the year. As always, the updates in this patch will accommodate existing saved games, and you’ll start experiencing the refinements when you go to a new, previously unvisited part of the game world.

From all of us at Caustic Creative, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


The list of changes are as follows:


Replaced Alex’s Vanilla chair with a TNM one.

UNATCO HQ (Second visit):

Fixed Simons getting stuck on the door and walking on the table.

Battery Park (Second visit):

Fixed Riot Cops having no combat lines.

Ton Hotel (Second visit):

Readded code to make MIB’s mortal again, so players with the old map can kill them.

New York Majestic 12 Facility:

Fixed using thermoptic camo when captured making you stay cloaked.

Wan Chai Market (Market Area):

Police garage guard only attacks when he sees you.
Police now attack when you enter small temple shop.

Wan Chai Market (Compound Area):

People hate you for breaking into the shops.

Tracer Tong’s Lab:

Alex’s post Versalife lines only play after his main conversation now as that conversation has lines for after Versalife.
Fixed a book of augmentations in Tong’s Lab listing Vanilla augs in Biomod. Also added Skull Gun to list. Also fixed a typo in the Vanilla text.

Tonnochi Road:

Policeman now attacks you for being in any of the shops.

Wan Chai Underground Mall & Lucky Money:

Fixed ATM logins.
Police only attack you for entering the Quick Stop if they see you.

Chapter 8:

Updated to newest version of combat music.

Brooklyn Naval Shipyards (Exterior):

Fixed music for level.

NYC Cemetery:

Readded the slab that covers the safe.

Paris Streets (Near Champs-Elysees):

Police attack you for entering the digital media store.

La Porte de l’Enfer:

Fixed Jean trying to play one of Kristi’s line if you have less than 10 credits.
Possibly fixed the fish falling out of the accountant’s tank.

Metro Station near Cathedral du Paynes:

Breaking into the café now makes the police hostile, if they see you inside.

California Gas Station:

Changed the rocket ignition sound when Jock blows up the gates to be global.

Area 51 (Surface):

Fixed a typo in the scared soldier’s conversation.
Jock’s info link about the sniper in the tower probably doesn’t play now when he’s dead.

Chapter 15:

Swapped LAM and plasma ammo on Simons to prevent Biomod overwriting the LAM with more ammo.


Teleporting Enemies:
Enemies can teleport around the level when you lose sight of them.
Secret Service attack you on every level with constant reinforcements, no safe zones.
Real-time UI:
Opening the UI no longer pauses the game.

Fixed getting softlocked at Carter in I Am The LAW mode.
Refixed LAWs mode spawning thousands of LAWs from crates.


Added multiple locations for helicopter spawning on cathedral level.
Added Dockyard survival.
Added Underworld Tavern survival.
Bosses now no longer stop attacking you.
Bosses now teleport too past wave 600.
Difficulty is now properly applied after defeating your first boss.
Enemies no longer flee past wave 300 in survival.
Fixed AI not standing on the left elevator in UC survival.
Fixed message about the computers using the cathedral version instead of the UC version on the UC level.
Military bots have double speed.


Active turrets with no target now rotate and beep (helpful for chapter 14).
Added inventory swapping code from ‘Vanilla Matters’ mod.
AI now, in most cases, reacts to doors being opened that they can see.
Aimbot now reloads its held weapon after being safe for 8 seconds.
Changed drowning for technical reasons to allow water areas to also have passive damage (glitched in the original).
Light aug now lights all surfaces.
Medbot health screens and repair bot energy screens now refresh to show current health/energy.
Using a computer no longer makes you invisible to NPCs and cameras in realistic difficulty.


“Fully Prepared” achievement can be obtained in Collectables mode.
Added a button to maximize the notes screen.
Anything that hits the skybox walls no longer spawn any effects, nor does anything get stuck into it like darts or knives.
Carcasses now play a sound when landing.
Carcasses now spawn the same size their living variant was.
Changed “last bullet, last chance” achievement to only work with bullet damage, to prevent it being awarded from mini-crossbows or projectiles.
Changed “F12” to “Augmentation Slot F12” in keyboard settings.
Changed Biomod MissionNames.
Datacubes now become grey when used.
Dead fish no longer weigh as much as a fully grown human.
Decorations now rotate to their velocity when thrown.
Disabled plasma/fire effects spawning on objects if fired by AI.
Drinks now leave liquid on the ground when destroyed.
Enabled verbose Triad lines.
Fixed “In and Out” achievement.
Fixed “Vive la France” and “Arachnophobia” achievements.
Fixed being able to pick up chairs that people are sitting on.
Fixed cloaking with HDTP NPCs not using the white static texture.
Fixed crash to desktop if a medbot/repair bot is destroyed while you use it.
Fixed crashes when playing on Windows XP.
Fixed flares causing explosives to go into a constant exploding loop.
Gave the Secret Service voices.
Grenades and throwing knives can no longer be reloaded.
Helicopters and Jock now gib their pilot when they explode.
NPCs now look at the player for a few seconds when they walk past.
NPCs now play the panic animation if they don’t have a dance animation (HuRen already does this).
Plasma no longer drains energy in god mode.
Smoke from the incense burner now follows it when moved.
Updated notes page to allow space for French translation.

Patch is Live

New Revision patch MYSTIC is now live. This patch contains the following changes:


  • Destroying Private Winslow’s body completely now awards the “Off to a Great Start” achievement, allows it to be completed in Vanilla.

UNATCO HQ (First Visit):

  • Fixed the softlock at Carter in Ninja Mode.
  • Updated the book of augmentations to have correct info in Biomod. Also fixed a typo in the vanilla version.

Hell’s Kitchen (NSF Warehouse):

  • Jock now flies in, spawns Gunther when he lands, NSF shoot at him when he leaves.

New York Majestic 12 Facility:

  • Greatly improved pathing.
  • Fixed that box under the command centre stairs.
  • Fixed the detention cells, along with collision for the cell windows.

UNATCO HQ (Final):

  • Added username requirement demiurge to Manderley’s computer for the Gunther killphrase, and zeitgeist to Gunther’s computer, to hide the fact about the killphrases for him.

Wan Chai Underground Mall & Lucky Money:

  • Made the Red Arrow more allied to each other.


  • Fixed mini-fridge collision at Versalife.

Tonnochi Road:

  • Fixed May Sung so she actually has reactions.

Hell’s Kitchen (Final):

  • Fixed being able to get into the subway by picking up the barricades.

Brooklyn Naval Shipyards (Interior):

  • Fixed the front security camera turning itself back on if you helped Vinny and the camera was off.

Metro Station near Cathedral du Paynes:

  • Police no longer try to fight you for breaking into the cafe.

California Gas Station:

  • Jock now flies in, fires missiles at the gate, AI shoots at him during exit.


  • Collectables Mode:
    • Now shows if a level is complete or still has a collectable to find in it.
    • Fixed it showing “COLLECTABLE MISSED” when changing levels.
    • Fixed collectable HUD errors on level transition.
    • Also added a message if it appears during a chapter outside of 1-15.
    • Disabled CheatView in collectables mode.
  • Matrix Mode:
    • Added effects to dying Matrix agents.
    • Added a green tint to the game when playing in Matrix Agents modifier.
    • MiB Matrix agents now only explode on hard difficulty.
    • Matrix agents now revert to their original corpse when dead.
    • Dying enemies don’t transform into Matrix agents.
  • Fixed issues with Hall of Mirrors mode if using HDTP.


  • Allowed the player to choose a wave to start on in survival.
  • Fixed “Clone Wars” achievement not working in survival.


  • Anna now cloaks immediately in chapter 4/5 on realistic.
  • EMP damage disables ADS aug on Simons briefly.
  • Fixed the rotation of AI laser sights not being properly updated.
  • Synthetic Heart no longer boosts augs past their max level in HuRen (like level 2 IFF/infolink).
  • Weapons that are destroyed (LAWs, grenades) now deactivate their scope and lasers before destruction.


  • All voice lines now lip sync.
  • Allowed horizontal scrolling in the log menu.
  • Birds can now be set on fire.
  • Decorations now drip water too, and their water has the vertical momentum imparted.
  • Elevators now close between level transitions.
  • Fixed “a Ancient Sword” instead of “an Ancient Sword” when picking it up.
  • Fixed “Game is not pauseable” message even though it was.
  • Fixed “Plain and Simple” achievement being broken.
  • Fixed some weapons being rendered twice.
  • Fixed the accidental crash on first run about the game not finding the file Core, due to a faulty configuration file.
  • Flies now die when entering water.
  • Improved performance of fire that hit walls.
  • Prevented footstep sounds from playing when going from Running to Crouched.
  • Reduced the intensity of Jock’s shadow.
  • The small security bot now has shells that spawn out of each of its four guns.
  • Water drops now have a less obnoxious sound when they are assimilated by water and have a smaller impact ring.

Anniversary Update v1.3 – MYSTIC


Today is our two-year anniversary for Deus Ex: Revision, and we mark the occasion with a large anniversary update, v1.3 – MYSTIC.

While it’s primarily focused on fixing a lot of small bugs and issues while improving performance; it also features 28 new achievements, 8 new modifiers including a Collectables mode with small collectables spread out across all levels that gives you small bonuses, and three quicksave slots that cycle.

Further changes in 1.3 includes:

Liberty Island (First Visit):

  • The rifle from Paul now has one accuracy mod applied to it, the mini-crossbow has two.

Free Clinic (All):

  • Fixed a bad pivot point on a door.

Free Clinic (First Visit):

  • Fixed the receptionist’s desk being glitchy.

Underworld Tavern (All):

  • Added bar taps to the bar.

Underworld Tavern (First Visit):

  • Fixed the vanilla combat music.

Hell’s Kitchen (NSF Warehouse):

  • Ordered the terrorists inside the warehouse to run when the generator starts blowing up.
  • Fixed part of a table being missing.

Chapter 3:

  • Toilets, urinals, and faucets will no longer work while the water is turned off.

Airfield / Hangar:

  • Added an exit directly to the helipad.

Chapter 4:

  • The player can no longer be gibbed when about to be captured.

Ton Hotel (Second Visit):

  • Fixed JoJo not leaving during the raid.
  • JoJo no longer activates alarms.

New York Majestic 12 Facility:

  • Fixed a softlock in “World’s Most Wanted” mode if Anna is still alive.
  • Fixed some of the reactions of the MJ12 troops.

Hong Kong (Arrival Cinematic):

  • Improved the entering scene.

Wan Chai Market (Compound Area):

  • Changed the monk in the temple to stand just in case he blocks one of the triad leaders from spawning.
  • Fixed Louis Pan not despawning after the alliance.
  • Made Max Chen and Gordon Quick use their own barks, instead of generic Triad member lines.

Tonnochi Road:

  • Fixed the elevator doors being pickable.

Wan Chai Underground Mall & Lucky Money:

  • Max Chen’s conversation with his body guards no longer plays if they’re both dead.


  • Gave the WiB a new skin.
  • Fixed Hundley having a typo in his name.

Versalife Advanced R&D (Level 1):

  • Changed the first GEP gunner to use WP rockets on realistic.

Free Clinic (Final Visit):

  • Fixed the receptionist desk not having the open area below it.
  • The bums now display their names when told.

Brooklyn Naval Shipyards (Interior):

  • Gave three enemies new skins.

PRCS Wall Cloud:

  • Gave the MiBs new skins.

NYC Cemetery:

  • Jock now flies into the level instead of suddenly appearing.

Paris High-Rise near Denfert-Rochereau:

  • Killing Aimee now removes her goal immediately.

Paris Streets (Near Denfert-Rochereau):

  • Fixed the key to the catacombs being unobtainable.
  • Made the SaxBomb cheat available here.

Denfert-Rochereau Metro Station:

  • Added names to the camera views at the metro.

Paris Catacombs:

  • Gave Agent Hela a new skin.

Cathedral du Paynes:

  • The bots will continue moving when not seen.
  • Using the killphrase on Gunther and then attempting to knock him out will still kill him.

Metro Station near Cathedral du Paynes:

  • The lockers now have light on the inside.
  • Breaking into the café makes the cops hostile.
  • Fixed the ATMs having the wrong PINs.

Vandenberg Air Force Base:

  • Added an area inside the ammunition storage.
  • The friendly military bots can no longer be woken by walking on the roof of the building.
  • Fixed the friendly military bots not patrolling the level.

California Gas Station:

  • The conversation from the MiB about killing Tiffany no longer plays if she’s already dead.

Pasadena Ocean Lab:

  • Removed the karkians that are after the 5690 door.
  • Made the adult karkian after the construction area able to leave the room.

Missile Silo near Pasadena:

  • Changed Howard Strong’s barks to be random. (Were previously cycled and most were never heard)
  • Added medkits on level 3 as a reward for dealing with the spiderbots.

Area 51 (Surface):

  • The infolink about the sniper in the tower will now always play if Jock doesn’t die.
  • Removed the useless security console from the old sniper tower.

Area 51 (Sector 3):

  • Fixed missing infolinks.

Area 51 (Sector 4):

  • Fixed a glitch vent.
  • Fixed missing infolinks.
  • The Aquinas Router door now stays open.

Animated Main Menus:

  • Added a version of chapter 1 animated menu.
  • Fixed the vanilla music not working on some of the animated main menus.


  • Moved MJ12 wave from wave 66 to wave 76.
  • Added Presidential wave at wave 66.
  • Added new MiBs, MJ12, and Secret Service to survival.
  • AI will now teleport past wave 600.
  • Fixed SuperWiBs always replacing regular WiBs if playing in Vanilla mode.
  • Fixed Jock having the wrong sound.
  • Fixed the game freezing if trying to spawn an enemy at a non-existent spawnpoint.
  • Fixed the UC survival not cleaning the whole level of items.
  • Lowered the file size of the Ocean Lab survival.
  • Made dobermen spawn on all maps instead of just cathedral.
  • The ammo crates now give all weapons in your inventory max ammo for ammos you have already found.


  • I Am The Law: all enemy weapons are replaced with LAWs.
  • Omnivision: AI can see you from any angle.
  • Ninja Mode: you start with both cloaks and both leg augmentations, low-tech weapons only, disables achievements.
  • 24 Hour Game: you have 24 (real time) hours, starting from game start to complete the game, includes time when game is closed.
  • Collectables Mode: a collectable appears on each level, bonuses awarded for finding each, find all 75 for an achievement.
  • Penetrating Explosives: explosive damage isn’t stopped by walls and will damage things on the other side.
  • Matrix Mode Agents: After seeing someone and then losing vision of them, they will turn into a hostile MiB.
  • No Jumping: no jumping allowed, except when leaving the water.


  • Activating the scope without a weapon equipped will activate binoculars if some are in the inventory.
  • Added a functional aim bot, leech and radiation discharge augmentations for cheaters.
  • Allowed grenades to be planted on the floor.
  • Buffed flare dart damage to 10 and increased lifespan to 4 minutes in Normal mode.
  • Can now have three quicksaves at a time.
  • Changed the conditions for picking up decorations, respecting the weight of the stuff on top of them instead of immediately being unable to pick up anything with another actor on it.
  • Destroyed cars now block the AI’s sight.
  • Dying NPCs should no longer block movement or attacks.
  • Energy shield now prevents the player from catching fire at level 4/5.
  • Fixed being able to unload a sniper rifle clip in half a second.
  • Fixed burning robots and animals being near invincible as they regenerated health.
  • Fixed NPCs using batons against robots.
  • Fixed robots reactivating if hit by a scrambler grenade while disabled.
  • Fixed some terrorist bark subtitles.
  • Fixed the player not bringing out the desired item after using a one-use weapon.
  • Having no room to pick up food items will just use them immediately when trying.
  • Having your spydrone destroyed by an enemy’s ADS augmentation will now automatically turn off your spydrone aug.
  • Increased giant spiderbot speed on realistic.
  • Increased the amount of time it takes for unconscious animals to drown.
  • Kills done via a long burn will now be tied to the person who caused them.
  • Made the on screen tutorial for Biomod’s tracking aug appear when you need it instead of only after you correctly use it.
  • Max level microfibral muscle will now prevent you from automatically dropping held objects when damaged.
  • Melee weapons can now repeatedly attack if the attack button is held down.
  • Napalm now burns any surface it contacts.
  • Pointing a weapon at a friendly AI, if they can see you, will now make them tell you off.
  • Restructured the ammo system to display names based on the ammo type, e.g. “ROCKETS” instead of always “ROUNDS”, and “CLIPS” to something more fitting for the ammo.
  • Synthetic Heart is now a free passive aug in ‘Normal’ mode, fixed using it with the Spydrone.
  • Targeting aug will now display the EMP health of robots along with their normal health.
  • The AI is more likely to use explosives against robots.
  • The AI will no longer give up searching after opening a door and will now continue to fire at you as the door opens.
  • The AI will no longer try to shoot vans in realistic mode.
  • Trees and bushes now block the AI’s sight.
  • Running into an enemy while at high speed now momentarily stuns them.


  • 28 new achievements.
  • Added a message for being unable to lift something due to it being on fire.
  • Added a new option to choose if the spydrone’s view becomes the primary view while the player’s becomes the secondary view.
  • Added an effect when using radar transparency.
  • Added an option to enable a 12 item object belt.
  • Added an option to display gameplay hints during load screens.
  • Added an option to use DD/MM/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY date formats for saves.
  • Added experimental OpenAL support, if people want to try it out.
  • Added three new barks for JC that were previously unused, when using Hall of Mirrors or in Survival.
  • AllEnergy cheat now gives max energy instead of default energy.
  • AllSkills cheat now applies the swimming bonuses if in the water.
  • Brand new statue of liberty model.
  • Can now pick up animal carcasses.
  • Changed all vanilla items (and some HDTP items) to always use the correct skin colour for JC’s hand (except mini-crossbow).
  • Changed the “Make Noise” function to have different sounds.
  • Disabled achievement cheat message if playing on a mode that disables achievements.
  • Enabled the verbose idle lines for the mechanic.
  • Fixed AM/PM times being hidden by the scroll bar on the save/load menu.
  • Fixed collisions on some NPCs and animals.
  • Fixed errors when the AI had a GEP gun.
  • Fixed grenades spawning on the wrong rotation when placed on the ground or ceiling.
  • Fixed item refusal for flares.
  • Fixed Joe Greene being called Green sometimes.
  • Fixed missing aug achievements in Biomod/Shifter.
  • Fixed props not burning correctly if pushed into a burning barrel.
  • Fixed seagull feet clipping into the ground.
  • Fixed the crosshair not appearing on objects over 500ft, now increased to 3125ft.
  • Fixed the heartgun not appearing if you knocked out Gunther.
  • Fixed the ILAW not using the assault shotgun model.
  • Fixed the railgun textures.
  • Fixed the sound of charged pickups not following you when used.
  • Fixed the augmentation hum sound continuing if leaving a level with augs on and returning with them off.
  • Fixed the unrealistic button being visible on the NG+ menu, instead of hidden.
  • Fixed the WP grenade’s graphics, gave it a red HDTP texture.
  • Fixed thrown combat knives not using their HDTP settings.
  • Fixed three of the enemy JC lines being unused.
  • Helicopter enemies fly more realistically.
  • Hitting a bottle makes a glass sound.
  • Hitting a carcass makes a flesh sound.
  • Improved general performance a bit by cleaning up code.
  • Increased the FOV option from 80-92 to 80-110.
  • Jock now detonates explosives near him if flying.
  • Keypad windows now close if dying with one open.
  • Localized some text so it can be translated.
  • Lowered the music during the intro cutscene.
  • Made AllAmmo cheat respect the max amount of grenades that Biomod’s demolition skill allows.
  • Made weapons display their clip size as their reload count or the max ammo of the currently loaded ammo, whichever is smallest.
  • New HDTP skin for the sniper rifle.
  • NPCs talking to themselves will no longer randomly rotate to face the sky.
  • Obtaining another copy of a key that you already have from a corpse will no longer display it in the items received window.
  • Placing an item on another item of the same size in the inventory will now switch their positions.
  • Randomized fish sizes.
  • Right clicking a non-usable door will put your weapon away instead of doing nothing.
  • Some NG+ enemies have different appearances compared to the regular enemies.
  • Swimming in water now makes you drip water when you leave.
  • Taking damage that the energy shield aug reduces will now create a shield effect like NPCs (visible in mirrors).
  • The AI will no longer talk if their head is underwater.
  • The AI will now correctly say lines depending on flags, examples being Gunther’s unused cathedral lines, UNATCO no longer talking about Manderley or calling you a rookie post chapter 5.
  • The crosshair is now shown on trees and cacti instead of showing the target behind them.
  • Targeting augmentation now doesn’t show targets behind trees, etc.
  • The palettes of crates no longer have an invisible underside.
  • The telephone answering machine no longer blinks and beeps when reading a message.
  • Toxin blade can now press buttons too.
  • Trees no longer have leaves while it’s snowing.
  • Weapons now point at where their laser is pointing, if they have one.

Patch 1.2.2 is Live

Patch 1.2.2 is live, containing the following fixes:

Liberty Island (First Visit):

  • Redesigned Gunther’s conversation so you can choose which weapon you give him. Also including the assault gun and stealth pistol options in NG+.


  • Changed the interrogation room doors to require a hand scanner to open, instead of being automatic.
  • The breakroom door is now breakable.
  • The turrets in the armoury no longer shoot at you or UNATCO in Crazed Turrets mode.

UNATCO HQ (First Visit):

  • Made a conversation line that sounds like you were aggressive only play if you were.
  • Minor details; the TVs in JC’s office and the breakroom, along with the whiteboard now slightly reflect light.

Battery Park (First Visit):

  • The triggers for the ambrosia can no longer be triggered from underneath the dock.
  • Fixed a woman having a man’s voice.
  • As the food that you give the kids is immediately eaten, it cannot be picked up from their dead bodies.

Hell’s Kitchen (First Visit):

  • Alex will commend you if you deal with Jonny without any violence.
  • Paul’s infolink in Osgoods’ no longer plays.
  • Trying to buy Sandra will now actually cost 200 credits instead of 100 previously, just like the conversation says.
  • Fixed some terrorists having two knives.

Underworld Tavern (All):

  • Reduced the size of the bar so Shea can be talked to from the other side.

Hell’s Kitchen Sewers (First Visit):

  • Changed the lab/barracks area.

UNATCO HQ (Second Visit):

  • Fixed some objects on slanted surfaces not being angled to the surface.

LaGuardia Airfield (Helibase):

  • Lowered the ambient volume of the turrets above the water.
  • Fixed a floating cigarette machine.

LaGuardia Airfield:

  • Fixed moon texture.
  • Made skybox clouds animated.
  • The doors and lockers inside the barracks now have metal fragments and sounds instead of wooden ones.
  • Fixed the NG+ divers not getting removed at mission end.

LaGuardia Airfield (Hangar):

  • Made it impossible to skip Gunther or Paul’s infolinks.
  • Prevented the player from being able to stand under the lower engines as view bob would clip the view inside.
  • Fixed moon texture.
  • Made skybox clouds animated.
  • Changed Revision conversation music to new version.
  • The terrorists will now shout at you if you shoot weapons near them.

UNATCO HQ (Third Visit):

  • Fixed some objects on slanted surfaces not being angled to the surface.

Ton Hotel (Second Visit):

  • Redesigned Gilbert’s conversation so you can choose which of the five weapons you give him.

New York Majestic 12 Facility:

  • Added a prod at the start on easy/normal.
  • Added the Maintenance Entry camera to the security console inside.
  • The amount of combat knives you have no longer resets when captured, in Biomod/Shifter.

UNATCO HQ (Last Visit):

  • Changed Miguel to always be called Miguel.
  • Fixed being able to take the sniper rifle at the gun range without opening its container.

Liberty Island (Last Visit):

  • The unused original outro music now plays here.
  • Changed Miguel to always be called Miguel.

Hong Kong:

  • More texture fixes regarding text.

Wan Chai Underground Mall & Lucky Money:

  • Ling goes back to her start if you try to go somewhere where she’s not allowed with her, intended in the original game but missing the trigger for it.

Versalife Advanced R&D (Level 2):

  • Fixed a typo in the Nanotechnology Researcher’s name.
  • Aligned the UC exits.

Ton Hotel (Final Visit):

  • Ordered the lobby riot cops to patrol paths similar to what was intended in the original, but didn’t happen due to glitches.

Brooklyn Naval Shipyards (Interior):

  • Enemies are now deaf while the klaxon plays.
  • Changed a security console from Hong Kong to China.

PRCS Wall Cloud:

  • The fire grates now burn things in front of them. Also fixed the textures for them.
  • Enemies are now deaf while the klaxon plays.


  • Fixed the gatekeeper’s door being too high.

Paris Catacombs:

  • Fixed being able to get stuck at one of the caved in doors.
  • Fixed Agent Hela’s animation for holding the LAW.

La Porte de l’Enfer:

  • Fixed floating items.

Cathedral du Paynes:

  • Fixed a typo in a datacube.

California Gas Station:

  • The door holding Tiffany now opens towards the wall instead of into the room, this also stops her from closing the door on you.
  • Lowered the strength of the hatch on the roof of the building holding the repair bot from 50 to 13.
  • Changed the outro so Jock is more animated.

Submarine Base near Pasadena:

  • Added infolink.

Missile Silo near Pasadena:

  • Changed the sniper and dogs to not move until you leave the starting area, allowing you to save before attacked.

Chapter 15:

  • Increased the volume of two Revision tracks slightly.
  • Renamed these maps.

Area 51 (Surface):

  • Jock no longer dies if; you talked to Ray, talked to Everett about Ray, talked to Jock about the bomb and had it removed, and left the level without killing Ray.

Area 51 (Sector 2):

  • An infolink plays giving you the code to the doors if you skipped Everett’s conversation.

Area 51 (Sector 3):

  • Fixed a typo in a skill award trigger.

Area 51 (Sector 4):

  • The spiderbots can now open the automatic doors and don’t get stuck on the small ramps next to them.
  • Improved the pathing of the upper grays.

(Ending) Party!:

  • Fixed being unable to exit on this map without using the command line.


  • After wave 50, all new WiBs will be upgraded to SuperWiBs which can use two-handed weapons.


  • Added SacrificeAchievementCheck command to allow you to find out when and why the Unavoidable Sacrifice achievement was failed, will only work if failed on this version or later.
  • Added physics for explosions hitting indestructible crates.
  • AI will now react to a weapon’s laser on realistic.
  • Cameras now react to dead bodies on realistic.
  • Cameras now display static in security consoles when turned off. Cameras must be turned on to look around.
  • Changed the speed of the ‘put away’ animation for batons from 1.5 seconds in vanilla and 2 seconds in HDTP to 1 second for both.
  • Conversations will now display the amount of credits you have at the upper left.
  • Due to the fixed plasma damage last patch, the bonus damage against commandos has been reduced from 2.5 to 2 for plasma rifles, and 3 to 2.5 for PS20s.
  • Fixed a glitch in which picking up a weapon that had momentum would cause the weapon to fall out of the level and be deleted, even from your inventory.
  • Flares can now ignite props (but not enemies).
  • Healing while both legs are broken will now prioritize healing one of the legs before healing the rest of your body.
  • NPCs that are stunned with the riot prod while in the process of opening/closing a door will no longer go back to being unstunned when the door has finished opening/closing.
  • NPCs will no longer sit on burning chairs and will stand up when their chair is set on fire.
  • One-use weapons (LAWs, PS20s) that are on the belt will now try to find another copy of the weapon in the inventory that isn’t already in the belt and will place it in the same slot as the one that was just used.
  • Recoil on non-automatic weapons now happens with a quick kick rather than for the entirety of the firing animation. This is most noticeable with an untrained sawed-off shotgun.
  • Running into weak doors or windows will now damage them, this damage is increased with the speed and muscle augs.
  • SCUBA divers are now immune to gas and no longer turn into a t-pose when taking this kind of damage.
  • Sniper rifles now play a quick ‘zoom in’ animation before zooming in.
  • The AI will now shoot explosives you’re hiding behind if the explosion wouldn’t hurt them.
  • The AI will now shoot at any explosives around you that will damage you, as long as they don’t hurt them, and you’re on realistic.
  • The AI will now shoot windows/doors you are hiding behind if their weapon is strong enough to destroy it.
  • Updated the goals/notes page; allowed sorting of notes between datacubes, literature (books + newspapers), emails (including public terminal information), and other sources (player made and conversations). Along with this, also added the ability to search for text in all notes (this does not respect the above filters).
  • Upgrading swimming while in the water now applies the oxygen/swim speed upgrades.
  • You can now use the keyboard to select choices in conversations, use 1-9 to select choices.


  • Multi-missile mayhem: enemies can fire multiple rockets per second.
  • Lossy Magazines: reloading causes you to lose the remaining ammo in the magazine.
  • Stay Away: being close to enemies that are trying to attack you deals damage to you.
  • Lowered the amount of damage that Short Circuit mode does.
  • Added weapon mods to crate contents for Randomized Crate Contents modifier.
  • Redesigned randomized crate contents to used weighted values.


  • Added a message for trying to lock-on to a target with the GEP gun while no ammo is loaded in it.
  • Added HDTP options for medical bots and repair bots.
  • Animals can no longer eat themselves.
  • Augmentation canisters now also state which slot the augmentations inside are installed to and the information of both augs.
  • Disallowed being able to right click things while the spydrone is out in ‘Normal’ mode to prevent glitches when picking up carcasses.
  • Fixed some typos.
  • Greasels now play their unused swimming attack animation.
  • Increased the buoyancy of rat carcasses.
  • Increased the speed of the dog’s death animation.
  • Lowered the brightness of held objects.
  • Made the following items flammable: ChairLeather (in Normal mode), Flowers, Newspapers, Books.
  • Moved robot sounds to the bark system; they now have subtitles and will no longer talk while dead/dying.
  • NPCs are more likely to complain if you toggle a lamp near them.
  • Personal computers, ATMs, and public terminals (when on or turning on) now illuminate things in front of them.
  • Planting your last grenade on a wall and then looking away will no longer show a grenade in your hand.
  • Plasma now uses the old, pre-multiplayer, effects while flying through the air.
  • Rats can now swim and play their unused swimming animations.
  • Removed the 1% chance of a different main menu background, now expanded the system to have an option to enable it and added many more maps which load depending on where you last exited the game.
  • Replaced typos in Liberty Island tourism image: specail > special, serivce > service, monunment > monument, designtated > designated.
  • Restructured the energy drain rate information in ‘normal’ mode to show the base drain rates, the drain rates with augmentation upgrades installed (cloak/radar transparency) and power recirculator reducing if efficient to, and the total cost it would take it run this augmentation alongside power recirculator, assuming only these two augs were on.
  • Snow now leaves a small, brief mark on the ground when it hits it.
  • The HUD no longer reappears if closing the main menu while dead.
  • Timed autosaves will no longer happen while something is in the way (keypad, computer UI, etc), will wait until after it is closed to save.
  • Tumbleweed no longer clips into the ground.
  • Fixed the save path in ‘Normal’ mode to use the new directory structure introduced in 1.2.
  • Added the enhanced OpenGL renderer, as an alternative to DirectX 9.