We’ve pushed our second patch live to all users on Steam. The changelog is below:
-Removed unhelpful config files so that players see the first-time configuration wizard. This solves an issue where display settings could be incorrectly configured. To see this wizard after the first-time launch, add “-changevideo” to the Steam launch options or game shortcut.
-Fixed a bug where players would be unable to save games on drives with more than 2TB of free space.
-Fixed a bug where the game would not recognize hostages in the Battery Park subway station as being saved.
-Updated default settings for D3D10 for players looking to use that renderer.


I’m amazed to also say that we’ve tracked over 28,000 downloads on Steam so far, which is way beyond anything we could have hoped for. Thank you! We aren’t actively keeping track of downloads for the standalone installers, but I hope everyone who finds themselves playing Revision, whether downloaded directly from Steam or otherwise, enjoys our work.


John French
John French
Music & Creative at Caustic Creative
John composed most of the Revision score, and contributed to a wide variety of design touches which shape the overall presentation and experience of the game.

He lives in the UK.