Hello all,

We’re coming to the end of 2015, and MODDB’s MOTY is back again. We think that it’s a pretty neat idea. If you want to give Revision your vote, well, we think that’s a pretty neat idea too.

Modding is kind of a weird pastime. It’s a hobby where people take games they love playing and work to put their stamp on that game in some way, ranging from tiny tweaks to absurd additions to the truly weird and the incredibly ambitious. It doesn’t pay very well, and often doesn’t pay at all. And still, there’s a big community of people doing it, and doing it well, even for games well over a decade old. For all kinds of different games, some mods get so polished or ambitious that they flirt with the line separating amateur from professional. The quality of work that people put out in the modding community can be tremendous, and genuinely excellent work deserves to be recognized. Sites like ModDB, which act as a home for people to discover and watch projects they never knew existed, celebrate this work through events like Mod Of The Year.

That’s pretty nifty. So go vote!

-Caustic Creative
Mod of the Year Awards

Björn Ehrby
Björn Ehrby
Producer at Caustic Creative
Björn joined the project in 2008, bringing everything and everyone together. Over the years, his contributions have ensured that our team has produced good work, and that our efforts have been bug-free as we can manage. He hails from Sweden.