Patch 1.6 – MAINCORE is Live

Who would have thought that a small mod made as a birthday present for Harry’s brother would grow to what Revision has become?! Today we are celebrating the 5th anniversary since the release of Deus Ex: Revision 1.0 after several years (and iterations) of development and testing.

The idea of Revision has always been to bring something new for veterans that got tired of the original game, while keeping the story of the original game intact and adding additional flavor to the Deus Ex universe.

We are really happy that the mod has generally been well received by all of you. Even though main development on the mod is done, it’s our baby and something we care for. We will keep the light on for as long as possible to fix and improve the experience for all of you.

Without further ado, here are the changes for Revision 1.6.

Happy anniversary!
Caustic Creative

The Nameless Mod 2.0

Now with Steam overlay support!


  • Fixed being able to get softlocked behind the vending machines.

Chapter 2:

  • Fixed Gilbert getting spooked by a terrorist if the player approaches from the left.

Chapter 5:

  • Fixed the UNATCO gun range sniper rifle being pulled to the ceiling.
  • Possibly fixed the conversation with Simons crashing the game.

Chapter 9:

  • New Revision combat music for this chapter.
  • Improved the framerate of the ship’s main hallway.

Chapter 10:

  • Made it possible to bypass the mandatory radiation damage and fixed a softlock situation.
  • Made the option to open the gates repeatable.

Chapter 12:

  • The front doors no longer open from bullet tracers.
  • Fixed the friendly bots getting stuck.

Chapter 14:

  • Fixed the abort button not being rendered sometimes.

Chapter 15:

  • Improved performance at Helios by ~330%.
  • Made Helios’ bots attack the grays if you lure them over.
  • The UCs now only spawn their effects on successful enemy creation, rather than each attempt.


  • Removed additional hyphons on the quotes.


  • Fixed sometimes being told that the incorrect team won in MP.
  • Fixed the AI being unable to use melee weapons in MP.
  • MP survival now says “You’re on Team Defenders” instead of UNATCO.


  • Fixed autosaves corrupting if you talk to someone immediately at the start of the level (e.g. chapter 11).
  • Fixed holograms turning into agents in Matrix mode.
  • Increased the range of the holler command.
  • Knocking out Gunther also spawns his skullgun aug in Biomod/Shifter.
  • Made NPCs react to lamps being on/off since they last saw them on realistic difficulty.
  • Made NPCs shoot poison gas barrels near the player on realistic difficulty.
  • Made allies stop getting spooked at you throwing things around.
  • Made realistic difficulty NPCs switch weapons if they need to reload, usually this will cause them to switch to melee weapons if close.
  • Prevented MJ12 commandos being given new weapons like pepper guns in Biomod/Shifter.
  • The subtitles option now has a closed captions option.


  • Added NG+ Realistic as a difficulty choice in custom difficulty.
  • Added options to set all item refusal settings to true or false.
  • AugAdd cheat now upgrades the level by one instead of saying it’s the max level at level 1.
  • Changed “Low-Tech Augmentations” achievement from ‘use every wearable item at once’ to ‘use every wearable item at least once’.
  • Changed gameplay hints font for more Cyrillic support.
  • Changed item refusal button from “cancel” to “ok”.
  • Disabled “Purity First” and “But Still Overskilled” achievements in HR mode as these concepts don’t exist.
  • Disabled ability to read books when they’re on fire.
  • Fixed “cannot be dropped here” message always appearing in inventory menu regardless of result.
  • Fixed Biomod challenges not working.
  • Fixed TNT crates not using their original model when HDTP was off.
  • Fixed a typo in thermoptic camo description.
  • Fixed carcass fading effect in survival.
  • Fixed the “find:” text color on the notes screen.
  • Fixed the DTS not giving off light when dropped directly from the inventory.
  • Fixed the alternate keypad option.
  • Fixed the crowbar often using the wrong shine texture.
  • Fixed the saxbomb command which has been broken for near 3 years.
  • Fixed the upgrade pips for the light aug not appearing in Biomod/Shifter.
  • Fixed warping on top face of HDTP barrels.
  • Improved melee animations in mirrors.
  • Increased the amount of levels that saxbomb works on.
  • Made cats immune to fall damage.
  • Made collectables more visible from a distance.
  • Made infolink names localizable.
  • Thunder’s volume should now be affected by the sound effects volume.
  • Weapon info now shows damage as: Base, bonus, hits. Instead of: Base, hits, bonus. Gives a more accurate result for damage against doors.
Björn Ehrby
Björn Ehrby
Producer at Caustic Creative
Björn joined the project in 2008, bringing everything and everyone together. Over the years, his contributions have ensured that our team has produced good work, and that our efforts have been bug-free as we can manage. He hails from Sweden.